You Don’t Mess Around With Jim歌曲歌词:
作词 : Jim Croce
作曲 : Jim Croce
Uptown got its hustlers
The bowery got its bums
42nd Street got Big Jim Walker
He’s a pool-shootin’ son of a gun
Yeah, he big and dumb as a man can come
But he stronger than a country hoss
And when the bad folks all get together at night
You know they all call big Jim “Boss”, just because
And they say
“You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Jim”
Well outta south Alabama come a country boy
He said, “I’m lookin’ for a man named Jim
I am a pool-shootin’ boy
my name’s Willie McCoy
But down at home they call me Slim
Yeah I’m lookin’ for the king of 42nd Street
He drivin’ a drop top Cadillac
Last week he took all my money
and it may sound funny
But I come to get my money back”
And everybody say, “Jack don’t you know
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Jim”
Well, a hush fell over the pool room
Jimmy come boppin’ in off the street
And when the cuttin’ was done
The only part that wasn’t bloody
Was the soles of the big man’s feet, ooh
And he was cut in about a hundred places
And he was shot in a couple more
And you better believe
They sung a different kind of story
When big Jim hit the floor now, they say
You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Slim
Yeah, big Jim got his hat
Find out where it’s at
And it’s not hustlin’ people strange to you
Even if you do got a two-piece custom-made pool cue
Yeah you don’t tug on Superman’s cape
You don’t spit into the wind
You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
And you don’t mess around with Slim
You Don’t Mess Around With JimLRC歌词:
[00:00.000] 作词 : Jim Croce
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Jim Croce
[00:07.031]Uptown got its hustlers
[00:09.976]The bowery got its bums
[00:12.950]42nd Street got Big Jim Walker
[00:15.666]He’s a pool-shootin’ son of a gun
[00:18.358]Yeah, he big and dumb as a man can come
[00:21.273]But he stronger than a country hoss
[00:24.279]And when the bad folks all get together at night
[00:26.986]You know they all call big Jim “Boss”, just because
[00:32.402]And they say
[00:33.209]”You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
[00:35.880]You don’t spit into the wind
[00:38.881]You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
[00:41.847]And you don’t mess around with Jim”
[00:49.033]Well outta south Alabama come a country boy
[00:52.251]He said, “I’m lookin’ for a man named Jim
[00:55.169]I am a pool-shootin’ boy
[00:56.811]my name’s Willie McCoy
[00:58.153]But down at home they call me Slim
[01:01.103]Yeah I’m lookin’ for the king of 42nd Street
[01:03.548]He drivin’ a drop top Cadillac
[01:06.778]Last week he took all my money
[01:08.367]and it may sound funny
[01:09.715]But I come to get my money back”
[01:12.374]And everybody say, “Jack don’t you know
[01:15.012]You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
[01:18.751]You don’t spit into the wind
[01:21.696]You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
[01:24.638]And you don’t mess around with Jim”
[01:31.886]Well, a hush fell over the pool room
[01:34.623]Jimmy come boppin’ in off the street
[01:37.816]And when the cuttin’ was done
[01:39.096]The only part that wasn’t bloody
[01:40.691]Was the soles of the big man’s feet, ooh
[01:43.608]And he was cut in about a hundred places
[01:46.297]And he was shot in a couple more
[01:49.540]And you better believe
[01:50.882]They sung a different kind of story
[01:52.484]When big Jim hit the floor now, they say
[01:58.138]You don’t tug on Superman’s cape
[02:01.068]You don’t spit into the wind
[02:04.046]You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
[02:07.030]And you don’t mess around with Slim
[02:12.116]Yeah, big Jim got his hat
[02:14.228]Find out where it’s at
[02:15.566]And it’s not hustlin’ people strange to you
[02:17.393]Even if you do got a two-piece custom-made pool cue
[02:22.246]Yeah you don’t tug on Superman’s cape
[02:25.735]You don’t spit into the wind
[02:28.689]You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger
[02:31.637]And you don’t mess around with Slim
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Jim Croce简介:
代表作:《Time In A Bottle》、《I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song》
Jim Croce(1943年1月10日-1973年9月20日),是来自美国的民谣歌手,成名曲有《Time In A Bottle》和《I’ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song》等,他的一生中曾经从事过多项职业,包括玩具店的店员、卡车司机、电台DJ、广告业务员、工人到临时教师。由于被铁锤伤到手指,自己摸索出一套可以不用到那受伤的指头的吉他弹奏技巧。
从艺历程:1972年,ABC唱片公司把Jim Croce签到旗下,推出了他的第一张专辑《You Don’t Mess Around with Jim》,同名的单曲获得了第八名的好成绩,不久,另一首单曲Operator也受到了大众的喜爱。突然之间,大家都注意到这个外型有点其貌不扬,作品风格却很清新、内容很生活化、甚至带着些哲理的新人。
1973年9月20日,Jim Croce第三张专辑的宣传才刚开始,新片还来不及全面上市,他就因为飞机失事而离开了人世,这的确是非常可惜的。在他过世之后,歌迷们纷纷抢购他的遗作,还因而使得他的第一张专辑再度畅销,而夺得连续五周的排行冠军呢。而他在首张专辑里面的单曲Time In a Bottle,也跟着登上冠军宝座。
基本内容:Jim croce Jim Croce是个传奇性的人物,在他短短三十年的生命中,从玩具店的店员、卡车司机、电台DJ、广告业务员、工人到临时教师,几乎什么样的工作都尝试过。他来自费城,学生时代就对音乐有着一份执着的狂热,曾经组过好几支民歌与蓝调的乐队。大学毕业后,为了生活,他到处打零工,还因为不小心被铁锤伤到手指,自己摸索出一套可以不用到那受伤的指头的吉他弹奏技巧。当然,在打工之余,他也不断的磨练自己的音乐创作能力。
在Jim Croce念大学的时候,他有个知己的好友,名叫Tommy West。这位老同学后来进入唱片界,和Terry Cashman搭档,在60年代中期成为快速窜红的唱片制作人。1967年,在老友的坚持下,Jim Croce带着同样爱唱歌的新婚妻子,搬到了纽约,夫妻一起在一些咖啡店和小型的俱乐部里卖唱,等待时机。
Tommy替Jim Croce夫妻争取到唱片合约,出了一张专辑,可惜的是,或许他们的时机真的还不成熟,专辑的销路惨到让他们抬不起头,这对夫妻只好伤心的回到老家去,一待就是两年半。夫妻俩拼命打工,好维持基本的生活。
而尽管出师不利,Jim Croce在充当卡车司机之余,仍然没有忘记继续他所热爱的音乐创作。当他的作品累积到六首的时候,他把歌曲用卡带录下来,寄给老友Tommy West和他的搭档,Terry Cashman。这回,他的作品显然成熟多了,West和Cashman重新对他有了信心,特别邀请他到曼哈顿,进入正式的录音间,把那些作品录制成母带,替他寻求唱片公司的支持。
1972年,ABC唱片公司把Jim Croce签到旗下,推出了他的第一张专辑《You Don”t Mess Around with Jim》,同名的单曲获得了第八名的好成绩,不久,另一首单曲Operator也受到了大众的喜爱。突然之间,大家都注意到这个外型有点其貌不扬,作品风格却很清新、内容很生活化、甚至带着些哲理的新人。
1973年9月20日,Jim Croce第三张专辑的宣传才刚开始,新片还来不及全面上市,他就因为飞机失事而离开了人世,这的确是非常可惜的。在他过世之后,歌迷们纷纷抢购他的遗作,还因而使得他的第一张专辑再度畅销,而夺得连续五周的排行冠军呢。而他在首张专辑里面的单曲Time In a Bottle,也跟着登上冠军宝座。
Time In a Bottle这首歌曲,本来根本不被唱片公司重视,因为它具有英国歌曲的色彩,跟Jim Croce第一张专辑的其它十一首歌曲都不一样,显得有点格格不入,用比较现代的术语来说,也就是有一点“另类”。唱片公司担心,如果歌迷是因为喜爱这首歌而去买专辑,发现其它歌曲都不是这种味道,可能会觉得受骗,所以始终没有打算把它发行成单曲,尤其是当Jim Croce第二张专辑里的Bad, Bad Leroy Brown替他夺得第一个冠军之后,更没有人会想再回头去从他的前一张专辑里去找歌来促销。
1973年的夏天,两位戏剧界的人士筹拍一部电视影片,描述一名罹患癌症的年轻妇女跟死神搏斗的故事,由于经费有限,无法特别请人替影片谱写插曲,于是希望从现成的歌曲里面找一首刚好适合的作品。他们到唱片行买了一堆专辑,仔细的聆听,结果发现Time In a Bottle这首歌曲正好跟影片的精神完全符合,所以就跟Jim Croce的经纪人连络,希望获得使用的许可。
1973年9月12日,Jim Croce推出了他的第三张专辑《I Got A Name》,而就在同一天晚上,那部电视影片在ABC电视网播出,ABC各地分台的电话响个没完没了,无数的观众都在询问哪里可以买到Time In a Bottle这首歌曲。唱片公司正忙着替Jim Croce的新专辑安排打歌的计划,根本没有时间理会观众的要求。
8天之后,也就是9月20日,Jim Croce为了赶到另一所大学去开宣传的校园演唱会,搭上了一架包机,飞机一起飞就出状况,撞上了一棵大树,机上所有的人员全部罹难,Jim Croce只活了30岁。
在Jim Croce过世之后,唱片公司发行了I Got A Name这首歌的单曲,同时被电影《最后美国英雄》采用为插曲。当那首歌曲打进排行第十名的时候,Time In a Bottle终于也被发行成单曲了。六个礼拜之后,它登上了榜首,成为摇滚年代第三首在艺人过世之后才登上冠军宝座的歌曲,可惜的是Jim Croce本人却再也享受不到成功的滋味了。