
《Dumb Ways To Die》LRC歌词下载


Dumb Ways To Die文本歌词

Dumb Ways To Die
Tangerine Kitty

Dumb Ways To Die

词:John Mescall
曲:Oliver McGill
演唱:Tangerine Kitty

Set fire to your hair
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear
Eat medicines that’s out of date
Use your private parts as piranha bait

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Get your toast out with a fork
Do your own electrical work
Teach yourself how to fly
Eat a two week old unrefrigerated pie

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Invite a psycho killer inside
Scratch a drug dealer’s brand new ride
Take your helmet off in outer space
Use a clothes dryer as a hiding place

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Keep a rattlesnake as a pet
Sell both your kidneys on the Internet
Eat a tube of superglue
“I wonder what’s this red button do?”

Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die

Dress up like a moose during hunting season
Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason

Stand on the edge of a train station platform
Drive around the boomgates at a level crossing
Run across the tracks between the platforms
They may not rhyme but they’re quite possibly
The dumbest ways to die
Dumbest ways to die
Dumbest ways to die

So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die


Tangerine Kitty是一位多才多艺的独立音乐人,以其独特的电子流行风格和充满活力的舞台表演而闻名。她的音乐融合了合成器波普、未来贝斯和其他现代元素,创造出一种既复古又前卫的氛围。Tangerine Kitty不仅在音乐创作上有着深厚的造诣,她还积极参与歌曲制作和视觉设计,为听众带来全方位的艺术体验。在她的作品中,可以感受到她对生活细节的关注和对情感表达的真挚。无论是在线上还是在现场演出中,她总能以自己独特的方式与观众建立深刻的连接,从而赢得了众多乐迷的支持和喜爱。


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